Comments from Authors/Publishers
260 Comments from Authors/Publishers
'Thanks so much for the feedback! I've been looking forward to seeing how it would be formatted and packaged, and I'm quite thrilled with the outcome. In terms of feedback that I've ordered over the last year, this is easily the most useful. Including the basic demographics of the comments at the end is especially welcome, as this book is now under contract with two media companies who both ask me for demographic insights on a regular basis.
Long story short, I'll definitely be entering my future books. Pound for pound, The Wishing Shelf is the best — and most honest and transparent — deal I've seen in the rewards realm.
Please post what you can on Goodreads or anywhere else you're able! Thanks.'
Thank you for sending the feedback on my book, Natalie and the Nazi Soldiers. The feature of receiving feedback from the readers was particularly appealing to me about your contest. This is so valuable!
Yes, please post your blurb/feedback on Goodreads for my book.
Keep up the good work! You created an amazing contest! Thank you!
"Edward, my experience with you and The Wishing Shelf Book Awards has been wonderful and empowering. Long after, As Maya Grows in the Natural World is a treasured chapter in my life journey, I will remember you and your organization respectfully and with fondness."
'Thank you SO much for sending this to me - my day was MADE reading through the comments - thanks for taking the extra time to include all the helpful tips too. The Wishing Shelf Awards really were the best value for me, of all the awards I entered (and I probably entered more than I should've). Getting to read actual feedback from actual readers is super helpful and encouraging, and the whole process was really wonderful. Thanks for making my first awards experience a really great thing! I appreciate all you and the team have done!'
'I so appreciate your readers and the opportunity to be a part of your amazing book awards. I'm also very appreciative of their comments and suggestions. This is truly a wonderful opportunity for authors!'
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