Previous Finalists






To check out the list of the 2022 FINALISTS in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards simply go to the top of this page, hover over the word FINALISTS and click on FINALISTS 2022.

The children’s books were read and judged by children from 12 UK primary and secondary schools, the adult books by 2 Reading Groups, 1 in London and 1 in Stockholm. Over 150 readers! The books were marked according to EDITING, THEME, STYLE, COVER and, in the case of many of the children’s books, ILLUSTRATIONS. The audio books in Category 7 and 8 were also marked according to NARRATOR PERFORMANCE, SOUND QUALITY, MUSIC and SOUND EFFECTS. Every book in Category 1 - 6 which was awarded over 25/35 is a finalist. Every book in Category 7 and 8 which was awarded over 30/40 is a finalist.
The WINNERS will be announced on April 1st, 2023

Note: you will also see the Best Book COVER Awards from LAST YEAR listed there; ignore them as this year´s will be posted in August. 

Firstly, many thanks for entering your book in the Awards. Not everybody can be a finalist, and it's important to remember that the list of finalists simply reflects the opinion of our readers. They are not experts in publishing; they simply enjoy, what they feel, is a good book. Remember, you wrote a book, and you should rightly be proud.

Over the next month, we will be sending out feedback to everybody who entered the Awards (Op. 2) and was NOT a finalist. I hope you will find that feedback helpful to your writing careers. Once you have read the feedback, you can then decide if you wish us to post it on Bookbub and Goodreads. We will also be awarding a few Red Ribbons to books that were not finalists but the reading groups still very much enjoyed. This can happen when, say, the story is good but the editing or cover is poor. We will let you know if you are a Red Ribbon Winner when we send you your feedback.

By the way, every year, 1 or 2 of the non-finalists send me a nasty message. It is not welcomed. I run the Awards, but I do not judge the books, so yelling at me won’t get anybody anywhere.

Firstly, congrats on becoming a finalists in the 2022 Wishing Shelf Book Awards. Our readers very much enjoyed all of your books. 

If you contact us at, we will send you your wonderfully cool certificate as an attachment. Also, if you wish to have a FINALIST MEDAL, include your FULL POSTAL ADDRESS - important: read the info regarding the cost of the medals at the bottom of this newsletter before deciding if you want a medal or not.

You will find the link to the medal logos at the bottom of this page.

Remember to TELL THE WORLD! Being a finalist in a book award is now a ´tool in your toolbox´. But if you don´t get the tool out, it won´t help you to sell your books. I always find local newspapers are particularly interested in locals winning awards - CONTACT THEM NOW AND LET THEM KNOW!

The winners will be announced on April 1st, 2023. After that, we will be starting to send out feedback to finalists. This is a HUGE job and will take a number of months. We will work as fast as we can. Once you have read the feedback, you can then decide if you wish us to post it on Bookbub and Goodreads.

We will also be organising a Facebook advert to market the finalists' books. We will be targeting the advert at 'readers (interest/hobby) in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand'. The budget will be $2000, so we expect to get a lot of hits for your books! 

Over the next few weeks will will be sending out a Press Release promoting the finalists to over 100 bloggers. Plus we will be promoting them within Facebook and Goodreads reader groups.

Don't forget, if you are a finalist, you can get 50% off website design from Simply let them know you were a finalist, and they will help you.

As most of you probably know, the gold, silver and bronze winners now get wonderful MEDALS! The medals are amazing; individually designed for the awards, gold-plated in a velvet padded box. Last year’s winners loved them.

But, over the years, a number of finalists have asked us if they could have medals too.

The thing is, they are not your typical school sports day medals i.e. they cost a fortune. All the winners get them for free - it's covered by part of the entry fee - but if we had them produced for all the finalists, the awards would go broke!

However, what we could do is this. As a 2022 finalist in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards, if you would like a finalist medal, let me know ASAP. We would charge the exact cost of having them produced (if I remember correctly it's £29) plus whatever the postage is. 

So, if you wish to have a medal, contact us ASAP at with your FULL NAME and POSTAL ADDRESS (don’t forget to include the ‘country’ at the end).

They really do look wonderful; gold-plated, big and heavy too! By the way, the design is different to the winner medals in so much as it says 'Finalist' on them, not 'Winner'. But they are exactly the same regarding size and quality. They will look amazing at booksignings, on a bookshelf or even on your writing desk. We only have so many, so let us know ASAP.

Remember, we will only charge the cost of producing and sending them; the awards will make no profit whatsoever. We just thought you all might be interested. If it was me, I´d get one!

So that's all for now. Congrats to all the finalists!  Non-finalists, if you picked Opt. 2 (with feedback), keep an eye on your inbox; your feedback will be along shortly.

Chat soon!
Edward (and The Wishing Shelf Gang)




Best Book Cover Award

Hi everybody,

For the last few years, The Wishing Shelf Book Awards has been running a BEST BOOK COVER AWARD. We do it for a charity called Blind Children UK which works with CustomEyes to produce large print books for children with sight problems. We only charge £5 ($7) to enter it, and every penny/cent is sent to help support the work of this charity, particularly the printing of LARGE PRINT BOOKS.

If you would like to enter the BEST BOOK COVER AWARD, simply the FRONT COVER ONLY of your book to

This August, over 30 of our readers will be meeting up (at my home!) to go through all the covers and to pick the FINALISTS and WINNERS. There´ll be children and teenagers there for the children and young adult category (they won´t be getting any wine), and lots of adults (they will be) for the adult category. They will be judging the covers in terms of artistic quality, readership appeal, originality, etc. etc. It´s a very long list! And we very much hope it´ll be a fun day for everybody.

We will then be announcing the FINALIST list on 31st August 2023 and the WINNERS a few days later. All the FINALISTS and WINNERS will be listed (with the cover) on the website with links to a selling page - most probably Amazon. There´ll also be a bright, shiny CERTIFICATE and a FINALIST/WINNER logo. If anybody wants to buy a medal, they can, which we will sell at cost. We have to do this as the medal is so AMAZING and so EXPENSIVE to produce, if we gave them free to the FINALISTS/WINNERS, there´d be no funds left to send to Blind Children, UK.

Anyway, that's it for now. A HUGE thanks to everybody who helped us to support this charity last year - a pat on the back to you all!

Edward and the Wishing Shelf Gang
Send us your covers NOW!!!!! :)




EXCITING NEWS! As next year is the TENTH YEAR OF THE AWARDS, we will be having a BOOK OF THE DECADE for Category 1 through to 6. Basically, we will go back (2013 - 2023) and look at ALL the GOLD WINNERS over the past 10 years and pick ONE BOOK OF THE DECADE for every category. So, there will be SIX BOOK OF THE DECADE WINNERS! They´ll be no extra cost to the authors; every gold medallist will automatically be entered, and we will be organising a fantastic trophy, certificate and, hopefully, lots of promo for them.Sort of FUN!


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