Previous Finalists

Developmental Edit / Beta Reading

The Wishing Shelf Book Award also offers an EDITING SERVICE!

Developmental Editing

This is particularly helpful after you have written your first or second draft. It is a thorough and in-depth review of your entire manuscript. It examines all the elements of your writing, from individual words and sentences to overall structure and style. In fiction, this edit will also address any issues related to plot and characterization.

Beta Readers

Beta readers are particularly helpful when your manuscript is almost completed and almost 'ready to go!' A beta reader is usually a test reader of an unreleased work of literature or other writing, who will offer feedback from the POV of an average reader to the author. A beta reader is not a professional and can therefore provide advice and comments which reflect the opinions of an average reader. This feedback is used by the writer to fix remaining issues with plot, pacing, and consistency. The beta reader also serves as a sounding board to see if the book has had the intended emotional impact.

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The Collective Consciousness
Embark on a journey into the
depths of the human spirit!

Aunty Jane Knits Up A Storm
Loss & healing through friend-
ship knitting and community.

Captain Polo Saving the Planet
"Eco-adventure comics
for middle graders"

The Puppet Maker's Daughter
Marika protects her family &
orphaned children from Nazis.

Lead the Competition
Read 100 Livestreaming &
Digital Media Predictions.

It Rains in February
A wife's memoir of love,
suicide, grief and loss

Honest, insightful, battling
autism/mental health - TWSA

Of the Noble and Great Ones
Real fiction about an autistic
teen who figures out life