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Azabu Getaway

By Michael Pronko

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7th September 2022
TITLE: Azabu Getaway
AUTHOR: Michael Pronko

Star Rating: 5

“A highly addictive set of books that just get better and better. Skilfully plotted and simply impossible to put down!” The Wishing Shelf

Over the years, I've reviewed many books; in fact, hundreds of them. And, ever so often, I get to review several books by a single author. Michael Pronko is one of them. And, I must say, when I see it's one of his novels, I always think gleefully to myself, I love my job! The thing is, Mr. Pronko is a very talented author. His detective novels led by the charismatic - and slightly broken - Hiroshi, are always cleverly crafted, the emphasis not on big, over the top fights, but on the often plodding work of a detective. Not only that, but there’s also always a gritty feel to them and, being set in Tokyo, I always get to discover another corner of this complex city.

In this latest installment, Detective Hiroshi needs to be on top form, as he attempts to get to grips with Tokyo's top investors, murder, greed, the complexity of tax shelters, and the abduction of two girls. And, as with the other books in the set, Hiroshi is determined to bring the bad guys to justice!
With strong character development from the offset, plenty of red herrings, and a protagonist who´s so different from the typical Hollywood detective, you can't help but root for him, this is a gem of a book for anybody looking for a compelling thriller. In all honesty, although this could be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading the books in order. Although you´ll probably end up as addicted as I am!
A ‘Wishing Shelf’ Book Review

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